How To Face The Interview Questions
The following are some of the most difficult questions you will face in the course of your job interviews.
- Tell me about yourself?
- What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
- Why should I hire you? or Where do you want to be 10 or 15 years from now?
- What is your long-range objective?
- Do you know anyone who works for us?
- Are you a team player?
- Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it resolved?
- If I were to ask your professors to describe you, what would they say?
- What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
- If you had to live your life over again, what would you change?
- Job Search Information
Undoubtedly the most frequently asked interview question, and one that interviewees have the most difficulty answering. Your answer should be in alignment with your career objective, which means you shouldn't respond with comments about your hobbies, spouse or extra-curricular activities.
Strengths that interviewers are looking for include:
such as good teamplayer, work very well under pressure, very creative, very strong quantitative or computer skills, and very strong client relationship skills may be appropriate depending on your chosen field. Committed: Talk about the times you may have sacrificed a vacation to complete an important project.
Do not give superficial answers like "I'm a workaholic" or "I'm a perfectionist". These are boring and predictable. Interviewers can even reply to them with, "That doesn't sound like a weakness. Now why don't you tell me about a real weakness?" So, state a true weakness that doesn't have a major impact on your ability to do the job.
Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job my attitude for excellence. I can develop your organisation from this level to high level.
Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become the very best worker of your company has. I will work toward becoming the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term.
Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organization. This can affect your answer even though they asked about friends not relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought of.
Very much so. In fact, I've had opportunities in both athletics and academics to develop my skills as a team player.I always try to help others achieve their best. In academics, I've worked on several team projects, serving as both a member and team leader. I've seen the value of working together as a team to achieve a greater goal than any one of us could have achieved individually.
Yes, I have had conflicts in the past. Never major ones, but certainly there have been situations where there was a disagreement that needed to be resolved. I've found that when conflict occurs, it's because of a failure to see both sides of the situation. Therefore, I ask the other person to give me their perspective and at the same time ask that they allow me to fully explain my perspective. At that point, I would work with the person to find out if a compromise could be reached. If not, I would submit to their decision because they are my superior.
I believe they would say I'm a very energetic person, that I put my mind to the task at hand and see to it that it's accomplished. They would say that I always took a keen interest in the subjects I was studying and always sought ways to apply the knowledge in real world settings. I'm quite certain they would say those things because I have with me several letters of recommendation from my professors, and those are their very words.
The key quality should be leadership the ability to be the visionary for the people who are working under them. The person who can set the course and direction for subordinates. A manager should also be a positive role model for others to follow. The highest calling of a true leader is inspiring others to reach the highest of their abilities. I'd like to tell you about a person who I consider to be a true leader . . .
That's a good question. I realize that it can be very easy to continually look back and wish that things had been different in the past. But I also realize that things in the past cannot be changed, that only things in the future can be changed. That's why I continually strive to improve myself each and every day and that's why I'm working hard to continually increase my knowledge in the _____ (field name)field. That's also the reason why I want to become the very best _____(position) your company has ever had. To make positive change.
What To Do If You Are Asked An Illegal Question :
Following is a brief list of some of the questions that employers should not be asking
- Questions related to birthplace, nationality, ancestry, or descent of applicant, applicant's spouse, or parents (Example: "Pasquale--is that a Spanish name?")
- Questions related to applicant's sex or marital status (Example: "Is that your maiden name?")
- Questions related to race or color
(Example: "Are you considered to be part of a minority group?") - Questions related to religion or religious days observed
(Example: "Does your religion prevent you from working weekends or holidays?") - Questions related to physical disabilities or handicaps
(Example: "Do you have any use of your legs at all?") - Questions related to health or medical history
(Example: "Do you have any pre-existing health conditions?") - Questions related to pregnancy, birth control, and child care
(Example: "Are you planning on having children?")